Senin, 30 April 2018

Pass The FCAT or Dump The FCAT - A Real Challenge If Your Child Has Dyslexia, a Learning Disability or ADHD

Pass The FCAT

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Pass The FCAT or Dump The FCAT - A Real Challenge If Your Child Has Dyslexia, a Learning Disability or ADHD

As a parent, you may have be incredibly frustrated with the FCAT -- Florida's High Stakes Tests.

16% of the 3rd graders failed the 3rd grade FCAT.

28% failed the 10th grade FCAT.

What is scary is that many smart kids from great families are failing the FCAT.

For students with Dyslexia, a Learning Disability or ADHD, the challenges are even greater.

We have seen people argue for boycotting the FCAT or Dumping The FCAT -- and many parents focused on helping their child succeed.

As parents and professionals, we believe it is important to focus on three things:
1- Helping students with Dyslexia, a Learning Disability and ADHD to succeed -- these children are really struggling and they need parents, school-based professionals and outside professionals to help them succeed.

2- Dumping The FCAT Culture. A classic case was when a friend of ours, who was using a game to help her students improve their spelling, was pulled aside by her principal and told that was not in theFCAT Curriculum and should be discontinued. The FCAT has real value, but the culture it has created is counterproductive:
- The Broward School Board is proactively trying to change the culture -- but the teachers and principals are paid on FCAT results. The system has to be changed.

- Teachers estimate that as much as 30% of the school year is focused on FCAT Preparation - to what end.

- Kids with Dyslexia, a Learning Disability and ADHD are subjected to a tricky test with incredible pressure, and they tend to do poorly.

- Colleges are complaining that Florida students do not have the skills to do well in college and in life.

- Too many kids with Dyslexia, a Learning Disability and ADHD are not given the help and the accommodations they need.

We need a Parent Revolution to Change The FCAT Culture.

We need to examine ways to Dump The FCAT culture. To join the effort, visit Parent Revolution to Change The FCAT Culture

We believe there is a real need to encourage better teaching and truly engages our kids. Two examples:

Professor Dykstra, Mark's Business Law Professor, came in dressed like he worked at McDonald's, to give his annual Hamburger lecture on Specific Performance -- a legal term related to the need to deliver on what is promised. His use of his chef's costume, a spatula, and his humorous approach made the lesson stick -- and was both memorable and effective.

A teacher trying to get her students to remember the Allies in World War 1, took the word allies, then used the word allied, created a visual of an Allied Van lines truck on FIRE


These non-traditional and effective approaches are very effective and need to be nurtured and duplicated.

We need to find ways to reward those innovate professionals who engage their students, get great results, and are especially good at helping children with Dyslexia, a Learning Disability, and/or ADHD.

Share your great ideas at



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Are oysters an aphrodisiac? NO. Do they promote male sexual health? You bet they do. And they can greatly enhance your prostate massage and prostate health program.

The myth that oysters are an aphrodisiac is probably due to their excellent nutrient content. It is not that oysters are an aphrodisiac. It is their amazing nutritional value (and especially high zinc content) that enables a man's sexual system to recharge so much more rapidIy.

Oysters contain: Protein, Carbohydrates, and a small amount of Lipids (fats). They are an excellent source of vitamins A, B1, B2, B3 (all help against fatigue and aid resistance to infection while helping to reinforce the metabolism), Vitamin C and Vitamin D.

Oysters are a very potent and health giving food source. Just 5 average sized oysters provide the daily allowance for magnesium, calcium, iron, copper, zinc, iodine, manganese and phosphorous.

Zinc: The Male Mineral

Oysters are, in fact, the best natural source of zinc on the planet! Zinc is known as the "male mineral". A male sufficiently deficient in zinc will become impotent and unable to father a child.

Zinc is vital in the creation of semen. Zinc is lost from the body with every ejaculation. Most men have or develop some degree of zinc deficiency. Just 1 normal size serving provides about 85mg of zinc!

Oysters are also an excellent source of sodium and potassium. And because they live in the sea, they provide every nutritional trace element on the planet! Many of these trace elements are often deficient in land grown plants and animals. Especially ioidine. So, Oysters will benefit your whole body!

Oysters are very low in cholesterol.

And, oysters fit any diet. There are only about 70 calories in a 100 grams (3 1/2 ounce).

Some Interesting Oyster Facts

- Oysters may be eaten and harvested at any time of the year. Unlike mussels which can only be harvested during certain months of the year because they produce toxic substances during the months with no "r" (May-August).

- There are over 400 species of oysters known to man.

- Only about 1 in 1 million reach adulthood

- They have been accurately reported by scientists to have been around for at least 15 million years

- Oysters can and do change their sex during their lifetime. Usually born male, they will change into female and go back and forth in their lifetime.

- Oysters eat by filtering seawater and harvesting the microscopic algae, which is their food. One oyster an filter about 50 gallons of water per day.

A Sexual Tune Up!

Oysters along with your prostate massage practice can really help to tune up your sexual system! And, they will help to keep it tuned and running smoothly.

Be Well.....

~ William

Open Source Tools for Java Deployment

Open Source Tools for Java Deployment

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Open Source Tools for Java Deployment

Developers are usually aware of the basic building blocks for deployment: code repositories, such as Git and Subversion; and build tools, including Ant, Maven, and Gradle. But what other tools can help you step up?
In this article, we present seven open source tools that you can use right now to improve the deployment process on projects big or small. These tools are among the best and most-used tools in their areas; they attract developers who have created a large body of knowledge, plugins, and connectors that can be used in a wide range of situations and integrated with other tools and processes.
But more importantly, these tools can dramatically improve your deployments. They can empower your team to build better and more-innovative software in a less stressful environment.
#1 Jenkins
Start with Continuous Integration
Power and flexibility in Jenkins: The Build Pipeline Plugin makes it easy to chain Jenkins jobs to organize a deployment pipeline.
To build a good deployment process, you need to grab a few of those plugins. Here are some that cant be left out of any deployment environment:
Build Pipeline Plugin. The Jenkins delivery approach involves the chaining of related jobs through build triggers. This flexible functionality lets you create sophisticated pipelines, but it can be difficult to see the pipelines whole picture, the relationships between jobs, and where in the pipeline the build is at a given moment. The Build Pipeline Plugin solves that problem by providing a nice overview of the build pipeline, so you can easily follow the build as it happens and even decide when things should be automatic or require a manual trigger.
Parameterized Trigger Plugin. In a build pipeline, developers use the artifact that is generated as output from one job as the input for the next job in the pipeline. The Parameterized Trigger Plugin informs the next job which build result it must use to keep the pipeline moving.
Copy Artifact Plugin. A complement of the Parameterized Trigger Plugin, the Copy Artifact Plugin uses the parameters received from the previous job to fetch that jobs resulting artifacts and uses them as the starting point of the next job.
2 Chef
Turn Your Infrastructure into Source Code
Chef is a provisioning automation framework that simplifies the configuration of your development or production environmentwhether on-premises or cloud-based. It is a Ruby-based tool that does wonders to deploy any infrastructure needed for your Java application.
By using Chef, you can define a projects infrastructure with Ruby scripts that are versioned within the projects source code repository. Chef scripts are called recipes, and they are bundled in cookbooks. With scripts written in Ruby, you have a well-known, generic scripting language to automate infrastructure activities.
#3 Vagrant
Reproduce Development Environments
Of all the tools mentioned in this article, Vagrant is probably the least concerned with deployment per se. Vagrant is focused on the developer, but it bridges development and production, helping to reduce inherent risk by minimizing discrepancies between the different environments of the deployment process.
#4 Packer
Generate Images for Multiple Environments
In a normal deployment, you provision, or prepare, your systems for operation. Starting from a base system, you install all the needed software until you have a fully functional environment. Tools such as Chef help you automate the provisioning process, making it repeatable and easy to evolve.
#5 Docker
Try Self-Sufficient and Portable Lightweight Containers
Creating ready-to-boot virtual machine images is a sophisticated way to use cloud computing so you can scale your application. But dealing with full stacks, complete operating systems, application servers, and the rest might be overkill. In many cases, all you want is to add one more application to your stack.
#6 Flyway
Database Migrations that Follow Your Applications
Powerful database migrations: Flyway can leverage the use of the JDBC API to handle schema migrations.
We cant talk about deployment without mentioning databases. Developers understand how to upgrade an application, maintain compatibility with older versions of APIs, and deprecate functionality. But what about the database? The hardest part of an automated deployment can be underdocumented SQL scripts that need to be run just before production, differences between the code and the schema, and evolution and rollback situations.
#7 Rundeck
Support the Ops in DevOps
Managing multiple nodes: Rundeck runs commands in several nodes, and aggregates the results.
That brings us to DevOps, a term that means communication, collaboration, and integration between developers and IT operations professionals. As developers, we know how good tools promote collaboration. When we save infrastructure definitions in our repositories or we automate infrastructure creation in a way that benefits both developers and IT operations professionals, we promote DevOps strategies in our projects. Each of these seven tools helps the collaboration between development and operations.

The tools described in this article are all open source tools, and you can implement them today in your project. They can be used to deploy all kinds of applications, and are particularly well suited to deploying Java applications and services.
Try these tools and experience how they help you to move toward a full deployment pipeline for your Java projects.

Minggu, 29 April 2018

Nutrition and Our Environment!

Nutrition and Our Environment!

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Nutrition and Our Environment!

Research corroborates this children who plant and harvest their own fruits and vegetables are more likely to eat them. For instance, what are the dietary ramifications for an individual who has high self-efficacy for increasing fruit intake, but who lives and works in a neighborhood with no access to fresh fruit? What about an individual who has low self-efficacy but lives in close proximity to several fresh fruit stores and markets? Healthful foods, such as low-fat dairy products, fruits and vegetables, are less available and poorer quality in minority and lower-income areas. Three studies have documented that disadvantaged neighborhoods have a proportionally lower availability of healthful options and produce of poorer quality than do more affluent and white neighborhoods.

A multidisciplinary team is examining how federal, state, and local policies influence the built environment, which in turn influences residents' accessibility to places to be active and to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables. The built environment includes manmade physical structures and transportation systems and features such as land use and development, urban design, and visual surroundings. By promoting fruit trees, such as mango, avocado and citrus, and bamboo, experience shows that in time communities start to protect their trees because of the attractive revenue they generate. The grafting program helps to boost Haiti's mango export industry and extend the avocado season. The objectives of this study were to determine how various diets, combined with exposure to volatiles containing -copaene, affect the ability of male Mediterranean fruit flies (from a wild and two unisexual strains) to withstand starvation. Accordingly, we maintained males on one of eight regimes combining a diet of sugar and protein, a protein pulse or apricot, with or without the aroma of the sexual stimulant -copaene.

Heart disease and cancers are the main cause of death in man today. These conditions are also more prevalent in our dog population. We extend our poor eating habits to our pets & children, then we wonder why our younger people are becoming obese!

Further, the toxic chemicals in sunscreen are now found in most Australians (including mother's breast milk) with unknown consequences for our future health. FANTA works to heighten the focus on women's and adolescent's nutrition and increase implementation of programming that targets women's health through its technical assistance to USAID missions and PVO partners around the world. FANTA is improving advocacy for women's nutrition through the development of evidence-based models that highlight the consequences of malnutrition for policymakers and other audiences.

Though your parents' medical history may give you some idea of what your medical future will be, your medical future will not be exactly the same as your parents. Do you know that many battery driven DC items use alternating currents (AC) in their circuits? Most liquid crystal digital wrist watches use alternating current to drive the display: you are strapping a portable AC stress generator to your wrist (one of the most sensitive parts of your body with regard to subtle fields) and carrying it around all day.

Cooper (Chef Ann) suggests that parents look for meal plans without trans-fat and high fructose corn sugar and that include little to no refined sugars and flours. Cooper also says to look for meal plans that focus on whole foods and include lots of fresh fruits and vegetables. The rotation of crops also aids in the continued health of the soil itself, therefore contributing to a sustainable environment and the overall health of the world. But before you chew on your veggies or bite into that fruit, you might want to consider this: Crops and other plant food may contain chemicals from which they were sprayed or sprinkled with and normally, your body absorbs these chemicals when you take in the food.

Until recently in our nation's history, meat was a delicacy seen only on the most special of occasions rather than a staple food seen daily. Indeed, the majority of people on earth meet their protein requirements from non-animal sources such as beans, legumes, and grains.

Through partnership with these countries and our international network of people, we address local needs worldwide. Our activities encompass scientific publishing, research and communication, and our aim is to bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and its application to real life. The social'ecological model is based on the premise that changes in individual behavior will come about through a combination of societal, community, organizational, interpersonal, and individual efforts. Basic-implementation states have begun to develop new and sustainable interventions, evaluate existing interventions and support additional state and local efforts to prevent obesity and other chronic diseases, or all of these.

We examined the effectiveness of a training program for physician-delivered nutrition counseling, alone and in combination with a structured office practice environment for nutrition management, on physicians' counseling practices. Forty-five primary care internists and 1,278 of their patients in the top quarter of the cholesterol distribution at a central Massachusetts health maintenance organization (the Fallon Clinic) were enrolled into a randomized controlled trial. Analysis of overall phenotypic variation based on all eight characters revealed three significantly different groups: plains bison; the subpopulation from Pine Lake; the other subpopulations from Wood Buffalo National Park. Results indicate that panmixia has not occurred since the 1925-1928 introductions of plains bison to the Park and that the characters studied are genetically based. Offering complete coverage of English-language nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses' Association, it covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative/complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines.

Biotechnology has the potential to reduce and/or eliminate the use of pesticides, improve the nutritional content of foods; and when introduced in staple crops, like plantains or rice, it will improve the quality of life of many developing nations. Seed production is based on selecting and improving local seed material and maintaining international varieties adapted to local conditions. The program is also working on multiplying corn and beans that have improved nutritional value.

NP 06-1 (a combination of two botanical extracts; Philodendron amurense bark and Citrus sinensis peel) or matching placebo was given in a dose of two capsules (370 mg each) twice daily. The outcome measures reported are lipid levels, weight, BMI, blood pressure and fasting glucose. My favorite way of accessing TOXLINE is through TOXNET, the incredibly comprehensive toxicology search tool provided free of charge by the National Library of Medicine. The website address for TOXNET is:

This includes the International Journal of Sport Nutrition, for which you can access tables of contents from 1995 on, links and a newsletter. Spirulina contains the most potent nutrient combination of any food researched to date, and is well worth a try on your quest for total body wellbeing. Furthermore, it was a long-overdue boon to our cause to have an unflinching vegan governmental leader in the national spotlight.

That would free up huge areas of land to grow food for hungry nations. Nutritional strategies can lessen, but not abolish, toxic effects ; moreover, they require dissemination and compliance, which are unlikely to be fully effective. These issues demonstrate the need to develop a public health paradigm for the role of nutritional interventions in environmental health. I am convinced that this statement is a pure creation of the imagination.

Be aware of what is around you & your children that can harm you actively or passively!

The pollution in the air & water is another reason to make sure you take steps to balance your nutrition. Supplementation of liquid vitamin nutrition is the secret to protecting you and your family against disease, staying healthy, looking and feeling youthful.

NewAir AW-210ED Wine Cooler Features Thermoelectric Technology and Dual Temperature Controls

NewAir AW-210ED Wine Cooler Features Thermoelectric Technology and Dual Temperature Controls

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NewAir AW-210ED Wine Cooler Features Thermoelectric Technology and Dual Temperature Controls

Wine often conjures up images of sophistication, class, and elegance, and one of the keys to enjoying wine to its fullest is proper wine etiquette. Whether its the temperature of the wine, age of the wine, or foods its served with, every small detail counts.

One of the most important steps you can take to truly enjoy a bottle of wines true aroma is proper storage temperature. As one of the basic tenets of wine etiquette, wine storage is imperative due to the complex chemistry that gets altered with environmental or temperature changes. Storing it at a temperature that is too cold will cause it to lose its flavor notes while extremely warm temperatures will accelerate the wines aging process. Moreover, temperature fluctuations can either enhance the bouquet of certain types of wine or disguise its defects.

As a general rule, red wine is best served between 62-65F, while a quality white wine should be appreciated when it is between 58-62F. Also, champagne and sparkling wine should best be served at 45F. With that said, one of the best ways to ensure proper wine storage temperature is via a home cellar, but this may be impossible for even the most serious oenophile due to cost or space constraints. Thus, wine coolers and refrigerators are a cost-effective way to serve your finest vintages.

There are several types and models of wine coolers available depending on cost, needs, and desires, but when choosing a wine cooler, first determine how many bottles of wine you intend to chill, then add on more capacity to allow for a growing collection. Next, figure out what type of wine you will be storing. If you have only reds or whites, a wine refrigerator with only one chamber will be sufficient, but if you need to store both types, a 2-temperature zone wine refrigerator is absolutely essential.

To take the guesswork out of choosing a wine cooler, our product team has been testing a number of popular brands and models. Avanti, Amcor, and Franklin Chef are just some of the most well-know wine cooler manufacturers, but NewAir, a company most known for its portable air conditioners and swamp coolers, has also developed their own line of affordable, feature-rich wine coolers. We were fortunate enough to be test the new NewAir AW-210ED wine cooler and here are our findings:

Style and Design:
When we first received the NewAir AW-210ED, we were definitely impressed with its sleek, hi-tech styling. The glass door was large and durable, while the 7 slide out shelves and racks within the unit were chrome plated. The digital control panel was extremely user-friendly, and the interior of the wine cooler even came equipped with a soft blue LED light that increased visibility and provided a nice glow. Furthermore, the AW-210EDs upright tower design helped save space. In fact, the NewAir AW-210ED fit nicely into the corner of our office and was non-obtrusive.

Bottle Capacity:
As mentioned above, one of the first things you should keep in mind when choosing a wine cooler is the bottle capacity. A wine cooler can hold as little as six bottles to some units which can hold up to 500. The NewAir AW-210ED wine cooler had a 21-bottle capacity which was more than enough space for us budding connoisseurs.

Cooling Technology:
There are primarily two types of wine cooling technologies: compressor and thermoelectric. Most people prefer thermoelectric units because they do not have many moving parts and are very quiet. Also, thermoelectric technology is better at preserving and aging wine because it lessens sedimentation that can occur with vibration. The NewAir AW-210ED was a thermoelectric wine cooler that provided silent, vibration-free operation.

Dual Zone Chambers:
Also as mentioned above, having a wine cooler with at least two temperature zones is important if youre storing more than one type of wine. A wine cooler with dual temperature zones means that the cabinets upper and lower zones are specialized, independently refrigerated chambers with separate temperature control capabilities. The NewAir AW-210ED wine cooler had two zones which allowed us chill our favorite bottles of merlot and chardonnay at once.

Overall, at less than $250, the NewAir AW-210ED was not only more affordable than some of the other wine coolers we tested, it also offered many of the same features we found in pricier models.

Network Marketing Review - Is the Reputation of Network Marketing Changing

Network Marketing Review - Is the Reputation of Network Marketing Changing

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Network Marketing Review - Is the Reputation of Network Marketing Changing

Let's face it, many a network marketing review has been the equivalent of a movie review "thumbs down". The MLM industry's reputation has been tainted by negative media reports and, even more so, by stories from those who have failed.

Even today, the typical network marketing review reports that up to 97 percent of those who attempt this type of business fail, a statistic that isn't disputed by anyone really, even those who are successful in their MLM businesses.

Any kind of publicity surrounding network marketing is negative for the most part. Much of it insinuates (or outright declares) that all network marketing companies are scams because so many who join don't end up making any money at all. And in fact, many network marketers quit because they can't afford to maintain the monthly costs of running their business.

The truth is, multi level marketing is a very legitimate and potentially lucrative business. However, it's definitely NOT for everyone - this network marketing review hopes to set you straight on some of the major concerns.

Critism: The recruiting methods of MLMers are less than honest and are designed to put money in the pockets of a few who "make it."

This stems from the fact that, as an MLMer, you make money off of the people you recruit into the company as part of your team of salespeople, in addition to the money you make from the products/services that you sell.

While this is true, those who "make it" haven't done so through dishonest methods. They've done it through hard work and effective leadership. The only way someone can be successful in network marketing is if he/she can lead his/her team to success as well. Want to be successful in your MLM business? Get on the team of someone who is already successful!

Criticism (and untruth): MLMs are pyramid schemes.

This is a big cause for confusion but it is absolutely false. Legitimate MLMs sell a product or service. Pyramid schemes (otherwise known as Ponzi schemes) create levels where money is exchanged without a product or service being offered. The government is quick to investigate and shut down pyramid schemes. Network Marketing, MLM and Multi-Level Marketing are NOT the same thing as the illegal Ponzi or pyramid scheme.

Criticism: Network marketers take advantage of needy people by leading them to believe they can get rich quickly.

The reality is that those network marketers who proclaim that you can get rich quickly usually happen to be the ones that have gotten rich fairly quickly. Lucky them, right? But no one should look at a network marketing opportunity as a "get rich" scheme or think it will work without them putting in a lot of time and effort. Have some people become rich very quickly with network marketing? Yes. Is it the norm? No.

As mentioned earlier, 97 percent of the people who don't make it in the MLM industry also contribute to the negative network marketing review.

But more and more people are reaping the benefits of the new network marketing model which incorporates the power of the internet into its methods.

New network marketers take advantage of the current internet training and resources which are available online or provided by their team, in addition to the tools provided by the network marketing companies themselves. This contributes to a more positive network marketing review.

The concept of attraction marketing is now being applied to network marketing. Gone are the days of chasing down family members, friends or pretty much anyone you happen to run into in the hopes that they will join your business.

New network marketers use strategies that result in prospects coming to them. And THAT'S a welcome change for everyone!

Network marketing options are becoming more popular in the struggling economy. And as the model of network marketing is shifting to the attraction marketing method, the network marketing review is slowly shifting upwards as well.

It's worth mentioning that when people hear the terms MLM, multi-level marketing or network marketing, they don't usually associate them with some of the most successful businesses in the world like Shaklee, Pampered Chef and Mary Kay, all of which are MLMs.

So yes, in a nutshell, the network marketing review is changing for the better along with the reputation of the industry as a whole.

Sabtu, 28 April 2018

Natural And Safe Thyroid Herb Supplements That Can Help

Natural And Safe Thyroid Herb Supplements That Can Help

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Natural And Safe Thyroid Herb Supplements That Can Help

It's true that thyroid herb supplements can help relieve many of the symptoms you get if you got either an underactive or overactive thyroid gland. Supplements can help, and certainly, taking them will help you see improvements, but you want to make sure that the supplements you take are both safe and effective.

Hypothyroidism especially can cause a lack of energy and easy weight gain, and you can utilize a natural metabolism booster with green tea concentrate, for example, as well as other supplements with iodine, magnesium and selenium to help boost energy and metabolism.

When you look at what thyroid herb supplements can do, first make sure the active ingredients of a product you're checking out are actually valuable. If you can't find out what's in a particular supplement, it's probably a good idea to leave it alone. You'll need to know exactly what you're taking.

It's a good idea to do your own research; when a particular formula shows the herbs included, look each of them up and make sure they've been shown to work such that they'll improve your thyroid function. When you take a thyroid herb product, you want to give your metabolism a boost and help your thyroid function better, so the ingredients included in any supplement should do that.

If you think you've found thyroid herb supplements that are worth taking, research them online by looking up customer reviews and see what they have gotten as far as approval from consumers. Well-known name brands with lots of positive feedback from consumers are a good choice.

When you have thoroughly researched every herbs supplements, you'll find that good ones do indeed help you function better if you've got a thyroid that's not quite functioning well. Thyroid hormone levels, too, will likely change when you start taking high quality thyroid herb supplements.

Once you feel better, you can start or restart an exercise program; you should include 45 minutes to an hour of some kind of exercise, such as steady walking. If you can, lightly jog. You'll help reset your metabolism and acquire more energy, too, when you exercise regularly.

In addition to the right thyroid herb supplements, a proper diet is going to help you, as will staying active. Check and see what recommended daily allowances of different vitamins and minerals are, to make sure you're getting the right adjunct help with your new program.

The best results will come to you, if you combine thyroid herbs supplements with a well-balanced diet that is nutritionally optimal and low in fat. Your body should be well hydrated, too, because water is among the best metabolism boosters. Shoot for drinking at least eight glasses a day.

Mycook Vs. Thermomix

Mycook Vs. Thermomix

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Mycook Vs. Thermomix

The thermomix is really a kitchen aide in any situation anytime of the day. A kitchen helper which has the power to do magic and can turn a simple cook to a professional chef. With all its capabilities, and incredible speed cooking can be done in no time. Weighing, chopping, mixing, stirring, cutting, chipping, grinding, powdering, kneading, emulsifying on the other hands, it purifies, washes and most of all it cooks.

Above is the goodness the thermomix can offer. Although it's up-to-the-minute design which fit into every kitchen, an inevitable innovation arises in our market today. Mycook is a product which can be a wholesome competitive with the thermomix, its functions, amenities and durability outweighs products of the same kind.

However, the basic and most reliable instrument to a healthy and vigorous living is knowledge and comprehensive understanding. How to get the real nutrients, the right amount of food intake and the amount it cost you.

Mycook's only goal is to have an enhanced and improved lifestyle particularly on your diet. Mycook is a solution to a healthier living. Mycook is an appliance with features far more fantastic than the thermomix.

Mycook has these components: 1). it has a central unit which supervises the recipe being cooked.2.) Pitcher support that has a clamp and blade attached to it; by means of clamp attachment system, the blades are attached to the bottom of the pitcher.3). Basket it is used as a strainer and is placed inside the pitcher as an accessory. 4). Pitcher, pitcher lid and measuring cup: the pitcher must be firmly locked on the central unit; the lid should stay close and attached appropriately to the pitcher so as mycook can operate easily; to keep away from splashing the water out, the cup should be in place.5). the steaming tray: consist of a stainless steel and a plastic tray with a lid that is attached directly to the pitcher. 6). the blending blade: it is use to whip and mix everything and is attached over the regular blades 7). the spatula: it stirs the food or empties the pitcher.

Mycook can almost do everything; it is really an appliance every kitchen should have. A technology which truly saves energy and time and not only this, it offers lots of advantages like chops meat, fish, vegetable so quickly, stirs like a real chef because of its soft stirring level, temperature can be adjusted at your choice to keep the food warm and freshly cooked always.

MyCook - The Induction Blender That Saves Your Time in the Kitchen

MyCook - The Induction Blender That Saves Your Time in the Kitchen

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MyCook - The Induction Blender That Saves Your Time in the Kitchen

Mycook is a kitchen appliance that does not concern about dieting but more about your diet. The nutrients you can get from the food prepared through the use of Mycook can't belittle. This kind of appliance that is present on your kitchen counter, cook real and honest to goodness foods and it simply minimize artificial and synthetic stuff.

Mycook has a 2 litter maximum capacity and is easy to clean, and need little time for cooking. Its vast capacity which is good for four to six persons can be divided to suit for one or two persons.

The kitchen blender which is heat assisted can do many wonder; it blends, chop, emulsify, grind, mill, and many others name it, mycook can do it. This product ever put in the market for everyone's convenience uses induction technology to do wonders and magic in your kitchen.

With a wide knowledge you have regarding technology use is a great help to be able to use the product with utmost fluency. You can even create your own recipe aside from the recipe included in the gadget.

Having this simple machine on your counter allows you with great opportunity it is like having a chef inside your home. Great and sumptuous food would be prepared on your dining table, foods that your family love.

Everything is under your control, like the time of cooking, the temperature you need, and the speed you desire. It has a 1180 watt motor- powerful to take the stress off on your modern kitchen. Its induction system of heating lessens the cooking time desired. Your power consumption however, doesn't cost much but it is still acceptable. Very safe and convenient in all aspects mycook is so affordable with functions and uses that is far beyond the perception of an ordinary mind.

Mycook is a device every woman dreamed of having. Its presence would mean something else or it would be envy in the eyes of others. An experience no one could fathom or comprehend. It is a once in a lifetime know-how that only a woman of sound mind ever wanted. The only device that could twist reality into a world of fantasy; just like turning an ordinary woman to a superb chef. Now would you want to forever envy those women who already own one? Do you want to call one your own?

Whatever your reason and whatever the cause Mycook kitchen assistant is a magnificent favor every mother has. Grab one now and experience the goodness life has to offer.

Jumat, 27 April 2018

Must-Have Kitchen Tools and Utensils

Must-Have Kitchen Tools and Utensils

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Must-Have Kitchen Tools and Utensils

Ah, the kitchen, nothing quite like it. Be it in the hands of a novice or a 5-star chef, the possibilities it offers are truly endless. But for a kitchen to truly offer its full potential, it takes a bit more than a stove and a few pots. Not to mention that a lack of proper equipment makes even the most trivial of tasks take ages or outright flop. It is worth noting that, while having a broad spectrum of kitchen equipment is recommended, overstocking will just clog up space and overcomplicate the cooking process.


This cannot be stressed enough. A good knife will do wonders for any kitchen and investing in quality steel will ensure a long and happy relationship between you and your culinary endeavors. While costs may put most buyers off, any good chef will tell you that a quality knife is worth its weight in gold. A serrated knife, a long chefs knife (~10 inches) and a paring knife are really the only quality knives needed. Good steel options to look out for are 1055 and 1095, providing a good cost to performance ratio while requiring minimal maintenance.


Whatever your cooking preferences may be, it is worth noting that a good pan will go a long way. Investing in a non-stick pan with a lid will do wonders for the cooking experience. Non-stick surfaces really do mean the world to anyone looking to cut back on oil/cooking fat and are simply a joy to clean afterward one swipe and youre done. There are plenty of great options out there, with sizes, shapes, and lengths suitable for anyones fancy, waiting to bring out your inner Wolfgang Puck or Jamie Oliver.

Spatulas, ladles and/or spoons

This is a lesson learned the hard way, the importance of specific utensils only becomes apparent when its too late. With your newly-purchased skillet set, you must remember to invest in a spatula or two so the surface of the pans doesnt get damaged with forks, spoons etc. Ladles also tend to be overlooked until youre faced with pouring your soup with a mug, surprisingly it happens more often than one would think. If stumped with the massive choice of utensils, not to worry, you are not alone. Luckily, people have already tested out the various types of kitchenware out there, all you need to do is give Google a go.

Heat protection

Ah, heat, the inevitable danger looming around your stove. Whether frying something on top or cooking down below, there is always the danger of accidentally grabbing onto something were not supposed to. With most of the kitchenware made out of metal with optimal thermal conductivity, it can be easy to slip up and get burned or scalded. Thermal protection outside of conventional mitts exists, which grants an additional layer of protection when wrapping handles with rags just isnt cutting it, pardon the pun. Kitchen puns aside, safety is and always should be our primary concern.

The perfect recipe

These essential tools really do make the perfect kitchen recipe. With a good knife in hand, a few pans and specialized utensils, even the average Joe has a shot of putting Gordon Ramsay to shame. The above-mentioned tools are not a necessity but a huge quality of life improvement. They will shift focus from making ends meet to preparing that dish weve been drooling over for the last week. Just remember that the kit is there to enable our creative juices, not prepare the meal for us; a tool can only be as good as the hand that wields it.

Must Haves for Any At-home Chef

Must Haves for Any At-home Chef

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Must Haves for Any At-home Chef

With the holidays on their way soon, many people will be beefing up kitchens to handle the increased demand for 'fit for a king' meals. Not being a professional Chef shouldn't stop you from being able to cook like one. But, you'll need the right tools to create those tantalizing dishes. Read on and find out the five tools that no kitchen cook should be without.

Mixing Bowls

Make sure that you have a good, quality set of mixing bowls on hand - the bigger the better! Many dishes need to be beaten, blended or mixed. You'll be glad you didn't skimp on the mixing bowls when you need to perform any of those tasks. Most professional chefs prefer to use stainless steel mixing bowls. However, there are many quality plastic sets available, like the ones made by OXO. But be aware that plastic bowls can become hard to clean over time, especially if used for heavy duty sauces, and may need to be replaced.

Pre-Seasoned Cookware

Cast iron skillets, pots and pans have long been a choice of the pros. But, cast iron cookware can be a little daunting. Seasoning, pre-seasoning, re-seasoning, cooking the seasonings in, oils to use, etc. to ensure your skillet is ready, is a hassle many cooks would rather not deal with. Now you don't have to. You can buy cast iron cookware galore - already seasoned - so that you have no fuss and still get the same great benefits of those using simple cast iron. Lodge is a well known maker of pre-seasoned cookware and offers many different types of cast iron cookware. Be aware -soap nor dishwashers should be used for your prized possessions.

Specialty Measuring Spoons

If you've ever seen one of grandma's old recipes refer to a pinch, smidgen or dash and have had to take a guess at the meaning (and hope you're right) then you absolutely must grab a set of pinch, smidgen or dash measuring spoons. No more guessing or testing your interpretations on your guests (as fun as that may be). This set also makes a great conversation starter - especially at family gatherings where elder members may take you on a trip down memory lane.

First out Pie Spatula

What could possibly ruin the perfect homemade Dutch crumb apple pie? Having it fall apart while you try to get that first piece out of the pie dish. Well, here is a secret of the pros - use a first out pie spatula. You bake the spatula in with the pie. When the pie comes out of the oven and cools, you make the cuts and lift that first piece out in perfect appetizing condition!

Kitchen Companion Guide

Ever wonder how long you need to steam asparagus? Not sure how to stick a thermometer in a turkey? Never butterflied a pork chop before? For all the weird, rarely used information you may need, while preparing a feast, you can turn to a kitchen guide. Look for a kitchen guide which specializes in everything and anything you may need to know while cooking any meal in any kitchen. For a complete guide that has gotten rave reviews, check out the Williams-Sonoma Kitchen Companion: The A to Z Guide to Everyday Cooking, Equipment and Ingredients.

Many of the above items may not be featured at your local retail store, so you might want to find a local kitchen specialty store near you or do your shopping online. But, if you enjoy the art of cooking and want to be armed with the best tools possible, you now have a few more to add to your arsenal which will help you cook like the pros.

MLM Lead System Pro Review - Worth The Money

MLM Lead System Pro Review - Worth The Money

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MLM Lead System Pro Review - Worth The Money

Hello my friends on the internet. I have a great MLM Lead System Pro review here for you today.

Before I get into that too much, I would just like to tell you straight up that I am a member of MLSP. I'm not trying to trick you or sell you anything. This review is as honest as they get I can promise you that.

I have been in network marketing for a while now, and it's hard to find a great MLM Lead System Review, or just a product review in general.

It seems like the only reviews that I am able to find are from people that are just plain dumb and throw the word scam out all over the internet and the others are from people who are members trying to make a quick buck. That is exactly why I am giving you this review right now. I thought someone's gotta' be honest these days!

No, in all seriousness there are a ton of great members in MLM Lead System Pro, and I have read a couple of really good reviews. However, one more can't hurt :)

Anways, the big question on your mind HAS to be: is this MLM Lead System Pro thing just another scam?

I get this question all of the time.

I think it all started when we were little kids. We get scammed the first time, then we get scammed the second time, then we get scammed the third time, then the internet came around and we get scammed every single day. Trust me I have been there and I get it.

But MLM Lead System Pro is not a scam. It is 100% legit. There are hundreds of people doing flat out awesome with MLM Lead System Pro right now.

However, there are a few negatives that you should know about.

They only have a select number of lead capture pages. This is really the only thing that I didn't like too much when I first joined. There are about 15 altogether, but there are about 1000 people using the system (probably way more).

The good thing about it is though you can actually hook up your lead capture page to the system. That's exactly what I did when I first started.

The crazy thing about it was, after I switched to my own lead capture page my conversions fell. I thoughy mine looked a lot better than the one I was using, but it didn't convert near as well.

So I guess you could say that their biggest weakness actually turned out to be one of their strengths.

Kamis, 26 April 2018

Milk- The Big, White Lie!

Milk- The Big, White Lie!

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Milk- The Big, White Lie!

Milk-the big, white lie!

By: Ian Kelley Chef/Bodybuilder/Health Advocate

Please know that I am just like you and I am not trying to speak down from a hilltop or condescend. I would do that if I thought it would work but humor is usually more effective. I too once believed that milk was healthy, good and should be guzzled down like beer through a funnel.
Milk is touted by the experts as the Perfect Health Food and best choice for dieting and weight loss. The opposite is actually true. The growth hormones, chemicals and bacteria in milk will make you gain weight, retain body fat and make you sick. Try this experiment. Cut out all dairy products for one whole month (cheese, ice cream, everything). Resume eating dairy products again. I did this and now I become very ill when I drink milk or eat cheese and ice cream in any quantity. I used to drink 2 gallons of milk a week! Lactose intolerance is another way of saying that milk makes people sick. 95% of African Americans are lactose intolerant, 20-40% of Caucasians are lactose intolerant, and 50-70% of Asians are lactose intolerant. I do not know of any other Perfect Health Foods that make so many people sick.

MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of dollars have been spent to put milk mustaches on celebrities, athletes and models. Millions and millions of dollars are spent on marketing dairy products to the American public and reassuring us that dairy is healthy and safe. Got Milk Milk does a body good and lets not forget the great calcium hoax. Where will we get our calcium if we do not drink milk? Well, cows get it from grass but the best human source is green leafy vegetables. More than 75% of the earths populations do not consume regular dairy products. They are not dropping dead from calcium deficiency. Most people resist strongly when I suggest that dairy products are unhealthy because of the massive amount of media and government brainwashing (marketing) that takes place in this country. The consumption of cows milk and dairy products has been linked to many diseases and ailments like: Breast cancer, other cancers, Heart Disease, Stroke, MS, Diabetes, Obesity, Acne, Varicose Veins, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Allergic Reactions, Bloating, Gas, Cramps, and many more. You must check out Robert Cohens website to get the truth about milk. Read The Famous Milk Letter or click on the link below to view the 1999 video report and prepare to be shocked:

After the age of 4 or 5 our bodies lose the ability to effectively digest milk. It is the same for other animals; they are weaned and taught to eat regular food. Humans are the only species that continues to drink milk in adulthood. What makes it even worse is that it is the body fluid from another animal, which was intended for calves. The human body has an amazing tolerance level for toxins and for most people if they never stop drinking copious amounts of milk their bodies just take it and slowly build up mucus and disease over time.

Convincing Americans that milk is not healthy is a tremendous challenge. Let me apologize in advance to all the dairy farmers, lacto-ovo vegetarians and milk chugging enthusiasts who might be offended by my opinions. I have discovered that some people really cherish their dairy products and become quite upset at any suggestion that dairy products are anything less than a healthy, wholesome food that will nurture them for a lifetime. I suppose if you got your own cow, milked it yourself, and consumed small quantities of pure, fresh, raw milk and dairy products like our ancestors did than you might be OK. This is, of course, if youre mostly Northern European ancestors drank milk and you tolerate it to begin with. This would be the only way to be sure you are not being poisoned.

When I brought this article to my writers group-a small clan of literary giants I now highly respect- the response I got was Wow, this guy really hates milk. Actually, I hate the people and organizations behind the milk deception. I like milk. Its rich and delicious; its just not a health food. Dont be fooled by the dairy industry marketing. If you like milk then please swill down a tall glass right away and have a nice life. Just know that it is not good for you and think of it as you would a dessert or a cigarette.

The milk industry grew out of need to feed a hungry, growing nation. In many cases we have taken the gifts of nature and altered and perverted them. Domestication of animals, and advances in science and chemistry allowed for the great modern achievements of food processing, canning, Pasteurization, Homogenization, preservatives, food chemicals, hydrogenated oils and high fructose corn syrup. All these things have made food unhealthy, easy and very, very cheap and profitable. There was a time when most food was fresh, healthy and chemical free. There was a time when milk was pure in this country, when cows roamed free and ate grass free from antibiotics and pollutants. Maybe 50 or 100 years ago it was good and safe to drink small amounts of milk from a cow before it became the milk of today. I do not fault corporations for wanting to be profitable, or governments for obscuring the truth. It is our own responsibility to discover the truth and change our lives.

Most people prefer a simple lie over a complicated truth!

The milk industry and government know that MANY, MANY more people might realize that milk does not agree with them if they stopped drinking it for a little while. This is why it is so heavily marketed and subsidized by the government. Please understand, I am not a fanatic .I will still have a little milk froth on top of my double macchiato, or a small amount of cheese here and there. I think of dairy the same way that most people view processed sugar. Sugar and dairy are so pervasive in our food supply and such a big part of our American culture it is almost impossible to avoid them entirely but they certainly should not be considered healthy or made a staple of your diet or added as a healthy component to a suggested eating guide or pyramid. Todays milk is a processed food and processed foods and chemicals are harmful, toxic or at least unnatural to the human body.

So what about organic milk? Organic milk is great but it is still homogenized, pasteurized and meant for calves. Americans everywhere are feeling happy and safe by switching to organic milk. How wonderful it is that we now can enjoy milk from happy, grass fed cows that have been massaged and groomed everyday and not fed any antibiotics, growth hormone or chemicals, right? Sorry folks, organic milk is just like light cigarettes, it is healthier but will still kill you! Homogenization turns dairy products into a deadly artery scarring poison. Homogenized dairy products are one of the real reasons behind our epidemic of heart disease.
Milk is mostly casein, which is a mucus-producing glue that accumulates in the human body causing long-term health problems and disease. Milk from cows was intended for calves, even cows do not continue drinking their own milk in adulthood they get their calcium and sustenance from grass.
Guess What. Yogurt is crap too! Two different friends recently were asking me about yogurt. Yogurt is still healthy, right? No. Yogurt does contain healthy bacteria, which aids in digestion but it also contains milk and often is loaded with sugar, artificial sweeteners and other chemicals. A better strategy, if you are looking to improve your digestion, would be to take digestive enzymes, probiotics or Acidophilus pills which are available at health food stores everywhere and are much more effective.

If you want to lose body fat, feel healthy and avoid chronic disease than cut out or reduce all dairy products from your diet. I achieved an incredible new level of health and leanness after I banished dairy products from my life. Dont take my word for it, do the research for yourself and you will find out what the dairy industry has been hiding. Run quickly to your refrigerator and dump your milk down the sink today. I know you will enjoy better health tomorrow and hereafter.


Oski, Frank A. Dont Drink your milk! Teach Services, Inc., 1996.

Cohen, Robert. Milk-The Deadly Poison. Argus Publishing. 1997.

Metabolic Cooking by Chef O.B

Metabolic Cooking by Chef O.B

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Metabolic Cooking by Chef O.B

Get Cooking and Get Healthy

I love to cook. I was a professional chef and I still enjoy creating wonderful meals for my family and friends. At the same time I worry about the health effects of all that rich eating. And to be honest, I've packed on some extra pounds that I'm not too happy about.

You might think that my knowledge of food and cooking techniques would make it easy to create healthy alternatives. That isn't the case. Over the years I've tried to cook leaner and lighter, but I could never get used to sacrificing taste for health. Most of the low-calorie recipes left me unsatisfied and seemed to put my cravings into overdrive. I'll admit, I gave up on dieting because I just couldn't stand the thought of eating bland tasteless food the rest of my life. As for my family, when I tried to sneak a low-fat meal into my rotation, they complained bitterly. I can't blame them. They were used to fine dining and I was serving them cooked cardboard.

I was at the point of giving up when I happened to chat with my neighbor. She had recently lost a lot of weight and didn't seem like she was suffering at all. She told me she was using a system called metabolic cooking. That threw me. I thought it was a new cooking technique. And I wondered, how can cooking be metabolic? Is it related to metabolism?

I was close. Metabolic cooking refers to a way of eating that gets your metabolism rolling like a pot on a fast boil. It's a three-part food plan that turns every meal into a fat-burning session for your body.

What kind of meal? Here comes the good part. There's nothing dry or tasteless here. With this type of cooking I've been able to feed myself and my family better than I ever thought possible. Every day I have fun deciding what we're going to eat: Pancakes or blueberry muffins for breakfast; pesto grilled pork chops or stuffed peppers, maybe with a side of curried eggplant, for dinner; pina colada and chocolate mint smoothies for snacks; and mouth-watering desserts. Everything's made from wholesome, natural ingredients.

These recipes were developed by a husband and wife team who faced the same challenge I did: creating healthy meals that people want to eat. When I decided to order the plan I thought I'd be getting one cookbook. It's actually nine cookbooks! There's also a guide that will help you create a personalized program, directions on meal planning for optimal success, and extras like meal planners and shopping lists.

As I said, I love to cook but what's impressive about metabolic cooking is that it will work even if you don't like cooking, have never cooked, or think you're not good at it. These are simple recipes that don't involve any complicated steps. You can buy the ingredients wherever you normally shop. Picky adults and kids alike will love them; and they're so easy you can have fun cooking together and teaching your children healthy habits that will last them a lifetime.

Cooking is the heart of this plan, but there are two other important elements. The first is food combining; for the plan to work, you have to follow the guidelines for what foods to eat together and when to eat them. The second is a good protein supplement, and the authors give you pointers on where to buy the ones they recommend.

There is solid science behind this system. Researchers have found that certain foods, especially in the right combination at the right time, will spark even the laziest metabolism into action. But until now it's been difficult to find a plan based on those principles that's also simple to use.

Everyone's sick of diets, and this is not a diet. This is an easy, powerful way to change your body and your life.

Merchant Accounts in the Restaurant Industry

Merchant Accounts in the Restaurant Industry

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Merchant Accounts in the Restaurant Industry

A merchant account for restaurant owners may be just the thing to help your business grow. If you have experimented with several marketing techniques and feel that you are ready to venture into e-commerce, this might be the venue you need to help your business really take off and start bringing in high-level profits.

Many banks and financial institutions that offer Visa and MasterCard accounts can provide a merchant account for restaurant owners. After building a solid community reputation and maintaining a clean credit history, you will have the credentials you need to apply for a merchant account. Keep in mind that the bank's underwriters may not feel comfortable conferring this privilege to companies that are involved in questionable activities like pornography, spam, mail drug orders, and so on. Some merchant account providers will let you complete the application online, taking just minutes to fill out.

Your merchant account for restaurant owners could be approved in a matter of hours or days. The company may send a confirming email message or you might receive a letter in the mail. Either way, you probably will not have to wait very long for an answer, and then a few days more and your credit card processor will be installed and ready for use on the premises of your restaurant. If you make home or business deliveries, staff members who transport orders can process credit card payments when you equip them with a portable wireless unit. They won't have to worry about carrying cash for change or accepting a check that may bounce at the bank.

After receiving a merchant account for restaurant owners, you may decide to put up a restaurant Website for marketing purposes. Your Website can feature attractive photos of inside and outside the restaurant location, along with a map and driving instructions that can be downloaded. The site might include a menu with posted specials as they become available on the schedule. A price list or wine list might be helpful, along with a brief bio of the owner, manager, hostess, or head chef with photos. Food arranging or meal planning tips might be offered weekly to keep customers coming back for the newest postings on your Website, which serves as a marketing tool and a bridge that keeps customers connected to your restaurant when they are not visiting. You may even want to include an occasional discount coupon or free beverage, which will serve as added inducements to keep people coming back. The more comfortable they become with visiting your Website, the more likely they are to place orders and pay online.

Learning to surf the Web as a restaurant owner with a merchant account can be both fun and challenging. You will enjoy the opportunity of presenting your eatery to the world via the Web pages posted at your site and then checking messages and payments to appreciate your impact on the global community. These are some of the attractive benefits of a merchant account for restaurant owners.

Rabu, 25 April 2018

Man Battling Layoffs and Illness Finds Hope in Acting

Man Battling Layoffs and Illness Finds Hope in Acting

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Man Battling Layoffs and Illness Finds Hope in Acting

Seven back surgeries, two cancer battles and a series of heart attacks left Cliff Garstka seriously disabled. He knew his dreams and aspirations would be impossible to obtain after his disfiguring misfortunes.

Cliff was once a vivacious hardworking man. He spent over two decades in the medical research field before he was forced to retire due to his crippling arthritis, which was caused from his numerous surgeries. The 53-year-old then moved his family to Albuquerque, New Mexico to focus on their survival.

As a therapeutic refuge, Cliff began acting and posting his demos on talent Web sites. He found a passion and his niche once again. When the Garstkas finally thought their bout with bad luck was over, Cliff's wife, the family's breadwinner was laid-off from her office management position. Cliff's hobby has now turned into his family's sole means of income.

As Cliff auditions for roles, he uses talent sites as his his interactive resume. Cliff's reenactment of The Deal, which is featured on his talent page, has garnered him an agent. He has also been featured in films and TV shows. Cliff's most notable appearance can be seen in the movie Sunshine Cleaning, featuring Steve Zahn and Amy Adams.

Since the money market has begun to fail, the employment rate has plummeted. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics from April of 2008 until May of 2009 (present standings) there has been increase in almost every month, except for June 2008 and April 2009 for unemployment in Cliff and his wife's age bracket, 45-54 years-old. There does not seem to be an end in site for unemployment for Cliff's family. The Bureau of Labor Statistics also notes that the older the individual is the risk of unemployment is greater.

Now, according to CNN Money, New Mexico ranks 6th among the states for unemployment (including the District of Columbia) with a 4.3 percent rate. This is one of the lowest rates in the country, as compared to Michigan's 9.6 unemployment rates. Cliff and his family live in one of the most affluent cities in New Mexico, so you may ask how is it possible for someone to still be unemployed. The answer may never be known, but speculations can be made agreeing with the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the older you become, the less chance you have of securing a job. This is very likely the case for the Garstkas.

Making Pierogi is no Polish Joke

Making Pierogi is no Polish Joke

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Making Pierogi is no Polish Joke

The taste of pierogi is still on my mind as Ive returned from the Polish Festival in Riverhead, New York. That thought brings me back to my Grandfather who made the stuffed dumplings by the hundreds when I was a child.

I had a Polish Grandfather, so we made Pierogi. But if he were Italian, the method for making Ravioli would be the same. If he were Latin, I might be making Empanadas. If he were Indian, theyd be Samosas. If he were Greek, Id be preparing Spanakopita. Just the filling changes for an item in which every world culture stuffs meat, potatoes, cheeses or vegetables into an unleavened dough.

In fact, I consider Pierogi Slavic Ravioli, because instead of ricotta cheese, pierogi are stuffed with mashed potatoes, onions, sour cream and cheeses. Its a traditional Polish dish thats served with sour cream or apple sauce on the side. I prefer the sour cream, but the apple sauce does give a very nice sweet/savory contrast in your mouth.

The process is quite simple and fun. Once youve made a basic dough, the act of filling them can be a family project. Kids love to stuff the dumplings and seal them around the edges.

Dough Formula:

Pinch of Salt
2 cups of All Purpose Flour
1 Egg
cup sour cream
cup softened butter

1) Mix these ingredients together with the dough hook on your electric mixer to a smooth dough. The dough must rest for an hour in the refrigerator afterward.

Filling Formula:

2 Pounds of potatoes, peeled and quartered
4 ounces diced onion
2 Tbsp butter
1 cup shredded Cheddar and Jack Cheese
Salt and Pepper to Taste

1) Simmer the potatoes until they are crushable under a fork.
2) Whip all the ingredients together and chill for later filling.
3) Roll out the dough into thin sheets and cut rounds with a cookie or biscuit cutter.
4) Wash each round of dough with egg to that they seal correctly.
5) Portion filling onto each round and pinch to seal all edges.

Now that weve created pierogi with just a few simple ingredients, it makes me think of the same procedure my Grandfather would complete to make the very same potato pillows. Its the simplicity of this Polish treat that makes them so appealing. Its the world-wide appeal of a stuffed dough that makes them so versatile.

How do you cook pierogi? Id like you to tell me. Please leave a comment below with how youd complete the final preparation step. Would you simmer them like pasta? Would you steam them like dumplings? Would you bake them like enchiladas? Would you saut them like tortellini?

Pierogi are so much fun to make, are wonderfully delicious, and give you a wide variety of ways to prepare them for any meal of the day.

See Chef Todd Make Pierogi in less than 4 minutes

Make Christmas Memorable With Special Christmas Gift Ideas

Make Christmas Memorable With Special Christmas Gift Ideas

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Make Christmas Memorable With Special Christmas Gift Ideas

Christmas is one of the most special times of the year. Theres the magic of love, the warmth of family, and the excitement of gifts to come that start months before December rolls in! If youre not dreaming of what gifts you may get, you may be busy planning what gifts to get for your loved ones. Both friends and family often vie with each other to get the most loved gift of all for their special ones. Christmas gift ideas may be the one thing that occupies the minds of all in the weeks leading up to Christmas.

How to choose the best Christmas gifts for her

The her in your life may be your mother, wife, girlfriend, best friend, aunt, daughter, granddaughteranybody who you love and has had a major impact on your life! It has been said many times that buying a gift for a woman is the most difficult thing of all but the difficulty level only depends on how well you know her! Yes, if you have a fairly good idea about her interests, hobbies, passions, it should not be difficult to get her a gift which she will treasure for a long time to come.

So, the first thing to do, to make your Christmas shopping easier, would be to take a piece of paper and draw three columns down the paper. Write down the names of all the special women in your life who you want to buy a gift for in the first column. In the next column, write down her hobbies/interests/passions that you know of (or you could discreetly find out from her or from her friends!). In the last column, write down some gift ideas that match the interests of hers.

The best thought out gift is the most memorable one

Gifts that are selected with a lot of care and concern for the person will be appreciated and loved and remembered for a long time to come, no matter what their monetary value may be. The closer the gift is aligned to the personal interests of the person, the more memorable it will be.

For example, for a person who is interested in cooking or baking, you could get recipe books, special kitchen utensils or equipment which you know she doesnt have and would love to have. The best idea of all would be to get Christmas gift vouchers for cooking classes. These are available in different price ranges and in different cuisines. So for example, if you know that she loves Asian cooking, you could get her a voucher for a Thai, Japanese, Vietnamese, or Bali cooking class.

For those who are into experiences, there is nothing better than gifting them vouchers for market tours or street food tours that will give them a five-sensory journey through the culture and history of a particular culinary tradition. This will be a unique and unforgettable experience that will open up new vistas of knowledge for them which they may have never been aware of before.

Today, there are a lot of services which offer out of the box ideas for Christmas gifts. An example, as listed above, is the exotic cooking classes and tours of special areas that are related to food, such as the Queen Victoria Market and tours that explore the Vietnamese influence in Little Saigon. There are special Christmas gift vouchers for these classes as well as for the experience tours. With a minimum age of just 8 years for these classes, you can also gift them to the budding chef in your family and be sure of gifting her an experience she will never forget!

Selasa, 24 April 2018

LVN Career Path - Why Should I Become A Licensed Vocational Nurse

LVN Career Path - Why Should I Become A Licensed Vocational Nurse

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LVN Career Path - Why Should I Become A Licensed Vocational Nurse

If you're reading this article, then it is likely that you have been considering a career in nursing. Great! You are choosing a path that is both rewarding, and will be fulfilling as a lifelong career. One thing still needs to be answered though, where should you begin?

There are actually a couple of ways to go about becoming a nurse. You could choose to go to University or College. This way of going about it, would likely take you out of the workforce for three to four years; while you earn a bachelors degree and work towards RN licensing. However, there is a better alternative that will get you working faster. That alternative is the Licensed Vocational Nurse Career.

Many colleges and vocational schools allow for LVN training, as an alternative to spending years in college. An LVN career can be started in less than one year. There are fast track programs, that will get you educated faster. Once you start your nursing job as a licensed vocational nurse, you can make it your career choice, or continue with your education to become an RN.

The duties of a Licensed Vocational Nurse differ slightly from that of the registered nurse. LVNs are usually supervised by a doctor or an RN, and they may not perform all of the same duties as the registered nurse. However, there are some advantages to choosing this route to start in nursing, and once training is complete, many people choose Licensed Vocational Nursing as a career.

Even if you don't choose LVN as your career, there are two major benefits to starting your nursing job as an LVN instead of spending years becoming an RN. Those benefits include experience, and a shorter route to becoming a registered nurse.

Get Nursing Experience

One major benefit is the experience you gain, both while taking your LVN course, and when you start in a nursing job.

It is a sad fact, but some people just aren't cut out to work as a nurse. The unfortunate thing is, some people never discover this until after they have completed four years of school. When you choose to start as an LVN, the course itself usually includes a work experience component. If you did decide that you aren't cut out for nursing after you have taken the program, then you have really only spent a year in school, and haven't wasted four years getting started in a career that you aren't going to pursue.

Shorter Route to Registered Nursing

Another big benefit in becoming an LVN is that it quickens the path to becoming a registered nurse. When you've begun your nursing job, you can always choose to become an RN. With a years experience working as a licensed vocational nurse, you can take an LVN to RN program. This 8 month fast track program is the quickest way to become a registered nurse. Instead of taking a 4 year bachelor degree program you spend one year in LVN training, one year working, and less than a year taking the RN course. That's 2 years and 8 months instead of 4 years, and you are more qualified for a variety of nursing jobs (since you have already worked in the field).

So, Should I Become an LVN?

The short answer is yes. If you are planning to start a nursing career, becoming a licensed vocational nurse will give you the right start. As a career choice, the LVN career is very rewarding, and as a stepping stone to registered nursing it is the faster way to go.

Lifestyle and Easy Home Remedies for Arthritis

Lifestyle and Easy Home Remedies for Arthritis

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Lifestyle and Easy Home Remedies for Arthritis

All our activities of day-to-day life like- sitting, standing, running, walking, stretching, holding depends on integrity and healthy condition of our joints. We cannot imagine life with painful, swollen and stiff joints. In this article, we are going to discuss lifestyle and easy home remedies for various types of arthritis like- Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis, Gout.

1.Rheumatoid Arthritis

It is an auto-immune disorder which affects mainly joints having a covering called synovial membrane. It often leads to the destruction of cartilage between the joints. Rheumatoid Arthritis can also affect other parts of body such as- covering sheet of lungs, covering sheet of heart etc.

What are the causes of Rheumatoid Arthritis?

Exact causes are not known. Immunity plays a major role in manifestation. It is mainly caused due to auto-immunity when immune cells of the body start killing its own cells. The condition is like soldiers of the country fighting against their own country.

Rheumatoid Arthritis according to Ayurveda

It is known by the name Amavata in Ayurveda. Amavata is an altererd state of digestion and metabolism caused by unhealthy eating habits when there is dimnished digestive power (Mandagni). Ayurvedic treatment includes correction of digestion and metabolism, treatment of joints with Panchkarma therapy and prescription of various Ayurvedic medicines.

What are the symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis

Inflammation in joints
Development of a flap in the synovium
Stiffness in the joints
Swelling, pain and warmth
Erosion and destruction of the joint surface
The pain in the joints is similar to the sting bite of scorpion
Constipation, indigestion, fullness of stomach

2. There is another type of arthritis which when affects the joints makes us feel that life is definitely a curse. Osteoarthritis is such a condition. "Osteo" means bones and "Arthritis" means inflammation and stiffness of the joints. It occurs when protective cartilage on the ends of bones wears down over a period of time which results from the breakdown of joint cartilage and underlying bone. It can affect joints of hands, joints near the finger ends, base of the thumb, neck, lower back, knees, hips, spine are commonly afflicted by osteoarthritis. Unlike other types of arthritis, only joints are typically affected in Osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis according to Ayurveda

Osteoarthritis is called as Sandhigata Vata in ayurveda which means the invasion and localisation of morbid Vata in the joints of body thereby producing pain, swelling and disturbed movements.


Another type of Arthritis is a disorder in which the crystals of monosodium urate monohydrate derived from hyperuricaemic body fluids gives rise to inflammatory arthritis(swollen and inflamed joints), bursitis(swelling in the spaces of joints), tenosynovitis(swelling of muscle tendon covering its sheath) or cellulites(swelling with redness and fluid collection). It is also related with kidneys.

Causes of Gout

Uric acid concentration in the body depends between the balance between purine synthesis and uric acid elimination through kidneys. Due to the presence of excess purine and when it is not excreted properly, this condition leads to the formation of crystals.

What are the symptoms of Gout?

The joint of great toe (metatarsalphalangeal joint) is the site of first acute gout in 70% of cases. In other cases, it affects knee, ankle, small joints of feet and hand, sometimes the onset may be very sudden, waking up the patient from sleep.
Gout according to Ayurveda- Vatarakta signs and symptoms can be co-related with gout.

Home Remedies for Arthritis:

All the 3 types of arthritis are entirely different from treatment and management point of view.
Few home remedies are mentioned for management of  each of these individually:

Garlic- Research indicates that micro-nutrients present in garlic helps in preventing arthritis changes of bones. 2 garlic pearls with 2 ounces of buttermilk is an excellent daily drink for Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Ginger, long pepper and pepper must be included in diet on regular basis to correct digestion and metabolism.
Fruits and leaves of drumstick must be included as it is rich in calcium and vitamin C.
Drinking warm water helps to improve digestion. Regular drinking of warm water helps to bring lightness to the joints thus helps in improving flexibility of the joints.
Bitter melon improves digestion and it is a good source of vitamin B1, B2 and B3. It is a good detoxifying herb.
Mix fine powder of Haritaki(Terminalia chebula) with castor oil to make a fine paste. This is to be consumed with warm water. It helps to clear Ama out of the body by cleansing stomach and intestines by inducing purgation.
In osteoarthritis, exercise is very important as it increases the endurance and strength of muscles around the joints.  It makes the joints stable. Walking, swimming are the best exercises for osteoarthritis patients.
Being obese or over-weight can increase the stress on weight bearing joints such as knees and hips. Weight loss is also important in osteoarthritis.
Good eating habits such as Vitamin C, Omega 3 fatty acids reduce joint inflammation, Vitamin D is related to osteoarthritis progression. Sources include exposure to sunlight for 45 minutes daily.
Giloy( Tinospora cordifolia) in the form of water decoction, powder, juice should be used to treat Vatarakta(Gouty arthritis).
Ginger is an anti-inflammatoryand anti- arithritic drug. It acts specifically over affected joints to bring about quick relief from pain and inflammation.
Milk boiled with Dashmoola (group of 10 herbs) poured warm over the affected joints gives relief from pain.

Diet for Arthritis:

According to Ayurveda, foods that cause Ama formation must be avoided which is the main cause for Rheumatoid Arthritis and foods that cause imbalance of Kapha and Vata which inturn worsen stiffening, pain and inflammation. Anything which is heavy to digest, that takes long time to digest is to be avoided.
Intake of curd by rheumatoid arthritis patients is not ideal. Fish, Spinach (Basella rubra), black gram, contrast foods like- fish with milk etc. must be avoided. Avoid suppression of natural urges cause increase in Vata. Skipping night sleep is not recommended as it causes utter Vata imbalance.
Oil massage is not advised in rheumatoid arthritis.
Low purine intake, no alcohol consumption is advised for patients suffering from gout. Purine rich foods like- beer, alcoholic beverages, fish, yeast, legumes (dried beans, peas), spinach and cauliflower must be avoided.

Lifestyle and diet plays a major role in arthritis. So healthy lifestyle must be followed.

Lake Arrowhead -- fun for movie stars and families

Lake Arrowhead --

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Lake Arrowhead -- fun for movie stars and families

It's not hard to see why Lake Arrowhead has always been popular with the movie stars it's close to Los Angeles, yet light years away in attitude. The people with money are here, all right, but there is also an element of small-town America, complete with families and, yes, even family values.

We were walking the waterfront trail in front of the Lake Arrowhead Resort and ran into one of the town fathers a guy whose job it was to walk some 20 miles around the lake, checking to make sure the trails were not only passable, but pristine as any semi-exclusive enclave ought to be. He talked about the movie stars who live in Arrowhead as everyday, good people. He talked about his daughter winning the national water-ski championship, and how water-skiing was followed just as closely here as football or basketball might be followed in the Heartland.

Well, okay, Lake Arrowhead is not exactly Des Moines, Iowa. But it does have a small-town feel in a Southern California kind of way.

We went to Lake Arrowhead to spend a weekend at the newly renovated Lake Arrowhead Resort, the biggest and best-located resort in the area that has just taken a quantum leap in its overall appeal to getaway travelers. Prior to the recent renovation, the resort was getting a little tired and starting to show its age. But it's amazing the things you can do with $17 million -- the resort's undergone a total transformation.

All of the 173 guest rooms were re-done, along with the restaurant, bar and spa. New swiveling plasma TV's, walk-in showers and just an overall sense of luxury and class are evident in the guest rooms. Some of the rooms have gorgeous views of the lake; others look out on the alpine forests. The new restaurant, BIN189, also is at least a notch or two better than its predecessor, partially due to the efforts of Stewart Redhead, the new executive chef who was trained in New Orleans before serving in the same city as Executive Chef of the W Hotel.

It's no wonder that June Lockhart makes the Lake Arrowhead Resort her home when she visits her childhood haunt of Lake Arrowhead. Her friend Peter Henry is General Manager at the resort, the latest in a series of upscale lodgings where he has presided.

Aside from the obvious charms that come with a mountain lake plopped in the middle of a scenic forest, Lake Arrowhead has a fun business district called the Lake Arrowhead Village. Not your typical shopping center, the village somehow combines high-end boutiques with tourist shops and carnival rides to appeal to just about any type of person who may visit. It's a five-minute walk from Lake Arrowhead Resort to the village, where you can also find several different eateries and, in the warmer months, listen to live music in a fairly elaborate concert area. While we were there, the Rockit Scientists kept the crowd rocking as they swigged micro-brews just footsteps from the dance floor.

To get an even better view of the lake, visitors can board the Arrowhead Queen, a Louisiana-style paddle-wheeler that takes guests on a 50-minute tour of the lake. On a busy summer day, you'll see lots of small boats, many of them towing water skiers. And, it's fun to look at the expensive waterfront homes and imagine what it would be like to have a lake in your backyard.

There also are plenty of hiking trails in the Lake Arrowhead area trips of various lengths and degrees of difficulty. The lake is at 5,100 feet elevation and is nestled in a forest of pine, cedar and dogwood that give way occasionally to excellent views of the San Bernardino Mountains. A very easy trail to start with is at the Heap's Peak Arboretum, easily accessed on Highway 18. This half-mile interpretive trail identifies some of the 2,000 species of flora and nearly 400 species of fauna found in these picturesque mountains. You'll enjoy views that offer a reminder of why the Lake Arrowhead area has been chosen as a backdrop for so many motion pictures. There also is a special kids trail that shows what various animal paw prints look like.

Of course there are still more trails just a few miles further into the mountains where the Big Bear Lake resort community offers many recreational activities of its own. There are dozens of lodging facilities in the area as well many more than Lake Arrowhead creating a different atmosphere and experience altogether. Big Bear has more activities and lodgings; Arrowhead is quieter, more residential and quite a bit easier to reach from Los Angeles.

While looking through the local magazines, we noticed an ad for a place called Wildhaven, a ranch devoted to the rehabilitation of sick or injured animals. It's not the kind of place you can just drop in, pay your admission and see the animals. You have to call ahead of time and find out when they are scheduling their presentations and tours which usually is on weekends.

Wildhaven is well worth this little bit of extra hassle. Located just three miles from the Lake Arrowhead Resort, the drive takes you into some "backwoods" residential areas, then through the forests and up some hills until you come to an area that was devastated by fire in October 2003. It's here on a hillside that Wildhaven directors Roger and Diane Williams saw their facility greatly damaged by the fire and have since rebuilt the 30-acre compound to house a variety of animals indigenous to the San Bernardino Mountains.

The Williams offer a complete presentation in a small theater where they bring out various small creatures and explain where they came from and how they are progressing in their rehabilitation. Most interesting are the personal details that Diane provides about how, as a little girl growing up in a troubled home, she found that animals helped give her solace and a reason for living. She knew then that caring for animals would be her life-long work.

Many of the animals at Wildhaven will not be able to re-enter the wild because they may have limited physical ability such as a bird's inability to fly or because they have become too domesticated. During one demonstration, the resident mule deer was eating out of the trainer's hand and showing no fear of the group of human onlookers. As Roger explained, "he wouldn't last an hour during hunting season."

Owls, raccoons, bobcats, coyotes, eagles there were plenty of species to observe during our visit. Especially entertaining were the two black bears doing their tricks and playing in their bathtubs while visitors watched from just a few feet away outside their cage. All and all, this proved to be an ideal family activity that was both fun and informative.

Wildhaven is just another reason why you might consider Lake Arrowhead for your next family vacation. There is plenty of luxury and ambiance for the adults, but it's also a chance to visit the Great Outdoors and teach your kids a little bit about how it all got there.


WHERE: Lake Arrowhead and Big Bear are located about two hours east of Los Angeles and reached by driving a scenic, albeit curvy, highway northeast out of San Bernardino.

WHAT: Lake Arrowhead and Big Bear share the same woodsy feel and plunging winter temperatures. Arrowhead is smaller, a bit quaint and is a quiet romantic getaway. Big Bear offers a larger city, but many more choices for dining and lodging. Both offer a variety of shops and boutiques.

WHEN: Year-round. The shoulder seasons are less crowded, but both summer and winter are popular because of the area's many outdoor activities.

WHY: A complete contrast from the Southern California climate and lifestyle, yet just an hour or so from balmy places like Palm Springs.

HOW: For more information on Lake Arrowhead, contact the Lake Arrowhead Chamber of Commerce at 909-337-3715 or visit For more information on the Lake Arrowhead Resort, phone 800-800-6792 or visit For more information on Wildhaven, phone 909-337-1391 or visit

Senin, 23 April 2018

Kombuch Making Tips Cool Down With Homemade Kombucha Tea

Kombuch Making Tips Cool Down With Homemade Kombucha Tea

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Kombuch Making Tips Cool Down With Homemade Kombucha Tea

As the weather starts to turn warm, lots of folks start making sun tea to wet their whistle and cool down. Well how about trying your hand at kombucha? No, it's not a Mercian dance; it's a drink and a mighty powerful one at that.

Kombucha, is a naturally fermented beverage made from tea, sugar and a symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast (scoby).You've properly seen or maybe even tried some of the store bought brands before and this might seem like a something new; but did you know kombucha has been around for thousands of years?! Ancient Chinese literature from the Qin Dynasty (221-206 B.C.E.) refers to kombucha as "the tea of immorality" and "the elixir of life." Kombucha is said to have widespread healing and cleansing abilities that have an effect on the entire body. Many practitioners of Chinese medicine recommend drinking 4 ounces or more every day.

The kombucha microorganisms produce a wide spectrum of enzymes, organic acids, beneficial bacteria, and vitamins; including the much needed B vitamins during the fermentation process. Research suggests that kombucha improves resistance against cancer, prevents cardiovascular disease, stimulates and reboots the immune system, reduces inflammation, improves liver function, and regulates digestive function.

Making your own kombucha is super easy, very inexpensive and better than anything you've ever bought because you control what goes into it; always assuring a high quality brew. If you know someone brewing kombucha, ask them for a scoby and follow the directions below to make your own homegrown batch. If you cannot find one from a trusted friend, there are many sources available; I like they're a reputable source for kombucha starters.

How To Make Kombucha Tea

Start with clean hands, a stainless steel pot, wooden spoon and a wide mouth glass Mason jar or wide mouth glass gallon pitcher.Clean all of the above with vinegar, NOT soap.

* In a stainless steel pot, boil a gallon of water.
* Add 4-6 tea bags (black, white, or green, regular or decaf) and let steep about 20 minutes.
* I have experimented with a lot of different teas and have also made some delicious brews just using ginger, fresh mint, and cinnamon sticks as alternatives to tea bags. Experiment and have fun!
* Stir in 1 cup of raw cane sugar.
* Use the purest most unprocessed sugar you can buy. I have used agave nectar or coconut nectar to keep my brews raw. Although it's not what the classical recipe calls for, they both worked beautifully.
* Bring tea to room temperature.
* Add starter tea and scoby (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) to gallon glass jar.
* Cover the jar with a cotton cloth (cheese cloth, tea towel) secured with a rubber band to keep out fruit flies and bacteria. A coffee filter works well for a top also.
* Store your jar in a warm dry place, out of direct sunlight.

Your kombucha is ready when it tastes delicious to you or when there is a new scoby on top - this can take anywhere from 7-14 days depending on the climate. It can take longer in colder weather.

* Pour off the liquid and transfer to clean glass bottles and seal to make it fizzy.

Store your ready kombucha in the refrigerator or it will continue fermenting and will wind up tasting like vinegar. Now you can make another batch, or store your scoby in a glass jar with some of the liquid in the refrigerator, until ready to brew again.

Do not ever use plastic bags or jars as the little organisms in your brew will eat the plastic and thus you too will be drinking plastic.

Helpful Tips:

****** For a less sweet brew; cut the sweetener by quarters until you find what tastes best to you.

*****The new scoby looks like a membrane when it starts to grow. It's your indicator that your brew is almost done.

***** Mold is rare but dangerous. If you see black or blue spots on top of your batch, throw it out - that is mold.

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