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When we are at home then following a raw food diet is quite easy.You have all the appliances that you need such as a blender and juicer as well as all the raw food ingredients such as fruit,vegetables,oils seeds and nuts.
But what happens when you step out of your front door?
Suddenly all the goodies in your kitchen are left behind and you are out there in the world of cooked meals.What to do?
The first thing is to be clear how much of the raw diet you want to keep.For me probably the most difficult situation is when I go out with friends for a meal.I have yet to go to a raw food restaurant.There are some in London and a few other places but that's it really.
You can of course go to any restaurant and order say a salad but be careful to ensure they don't put any dressing on it as there are lots of processed foods in there.But the truth is you will eat something cooked if you want to "join in " with everybody else.To what extent I will leave up to you.
You can of course sneak in your own additions such as nuts seeds and olives but if you are asking for a salad then ask them to add a few raw favorites such as an avocado.
If you are traveling to say a conference the organizers often ask in advance if you have any special dietary needs.It is true that most only offer a cooked vegetarian option but if you tell them you want something raw and vegan then you could get lucky.
It has happened to me a few time and think about it, if it's raw it's easier for the chef to make.
If you are on the road invest in some good plastic containers and cutlery.Also take a plastic bag to put all your waste in.
It is now possible to buy portable blenders which are hand powered or powered by batteries.One such blender is the Magic Bullet Blender.Small and compact and ideal to take on the road.
So what should you take when you are on the road?
Apples, raw chocolate, pitted dates, nuts ,water spirulina, avocados, flax crackers, nori sheets & tahini
If you are going for longer than a week then take some seeds for sprouting and a sprouting jar.
So you see you don't have to give up your raw diet as soon as you walk out the front door.With a little planning you can keep you mega healthy diet going wherever you are.