Kamis, 12 April 2018

Hors dOeuvres for a Crowd

Hors dOeuvres for a Crowd

Image source: https://i.pinimg.com/736x/f4/25/98/f425981c3821ea7e05c6833ac6613071--wedding-hors-doeuvres-wedding-appetizers.jpg

Hors dOeuvres for a Crowd

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Some other options are

#5 Delivery Driver

Many companies are willing to hire felons as delivery people as long as you have a clean driving record and no DUI's. UPS has been known to hire felons.

#4 Join the Army

You can find a link to the US Army policy on hiring felons below.

#7 Telephone Customer Service

Many companies are willing to hire felons to handle phone based customer service.

#6 Temp Agency

Temp agencies are a good option. You will have to explain what your conviction was for and convince them it will not affect your work. Many companies that would never consider hiring a felon full time, will hire people from a Temp Agency or even short term contract people without a background check.

#5 Family Business

You may be able to work in a family or friend's business.

#3 Truck Driver

It is a myth that all trucking companies are willing to hire felons. It is also difficult because special licensing is required for larger trucks. If you are on parole this kind of work may not be possible because the job will likely require you to go out of state. If you are not on parole then this would not be a problem. Truck driving jobs are not a sure thing and if you lack experience it is unlikely you will be able to drive an 18 wheeler, maybe smaller trucks.

This is a small section taken from the book Jobs For Felons which is available at Amazon for $6.95 but you can also download a free copy on the web. These are the top 10 jobs but there are many more and the book also explains more about the #1 recommendation, freelance work. This is only a few of the listings available plus you can find many agencies that specialize in helping felons find jobs, how to answer the question "Have you ever been convicted of a felone?" during an interview so that you are not immediately out of consideration and much more.

Bad Customer Service Example Set thru Restaurant Manager

Image source: https://cdn.livechatinc.com/website/uploads/2016/03/customer-service-email-example@2x.jpg We might good also be knowledgeable ...